Modelling coupled miscible fluid flow and transport processes

Fluid flow in subsurface aquifers and reservoirs may be undertaken under variable fluid properties. For instance, fluid viscosity changes dynamically as a function of local fluid concentration, temperature, or pressure conditions. These changes induce a tight dependence between the flow and solute/heat transport processes. Many applications belong to these category:

The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to model these processes. We will consider a simple two-dimensional example with a highly heterogeneous distribution of the permeability and porosity fields. These fields are extracted from the first layer of the SPE10 comparative solution project realization.

An injection and production wells are placed at the lower left and upper right corners of the computational domain. Next, three simulations will be performed: (i) a reference simulation with an equal viscosity ratio (ratio of injected fluid viscosity to that of the resident fluid), (ii) a second simulation with a gradually increasing viscosity ratio, and (iii) a third simulation with a gradually decreasing viscosity ratio.

Data preparation and simulations setup

Lest's start by constructing the computational domain:

% Domain size along X, Y & Z directions

dom = RecDomain([365.76,670.56,0.6096]);

Dx = dom.Lx; Dy = dom.Ly; Dz = dom.Lz;

Set the number of cells along X, Y, and Z directions:

Grid.Nx = 60; Grid.Ny = 220; Grid.Nz = 1;

Nx = Grid.Nx; Ny = Grid.Ny; Nz = Grid.Nz;

Calculate grid sizes along each space direction:

Grid.hx = (Dx/Nx);

Grid.hy = (Dy/Ny);

Grid.hz = (Dz/Nz);

Set total number of gridblocks:

Grid.N = Grid.Nx*Grid.Ny*Grid.Nz;

N = Grid.N;

Set Grid data:

Grid.V = (Dx/Nx)*(Dy/Ny)*(Dz/Nz); % Cell volumes

Grid.K = 1.4e-11.*ones(3,Nx,Ny,Nz); % Unit-Darcy permeability

Grid.compr = 4.4e-10.*ones(Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz); % compressibility

Load porosity data from a saved mat file:

load '..\data\spe_layer1_phi.mat' phi_layer;

phi = phi_layer; clear phi_layer;

phi = max (phi(:), 1e-3); % to avoid zero porosity cells

Grid.por = reshape(phi',Nx,Ny,Nz);

Load permeability data from a saved mat file:

load '..\data\spe_layer1_perm.mat' perm_layer;

Grid.K = perm_layer*9.869232667160130e-13;

Grid.K = reshape(Grid.K',3,Nx,Ny,Nz);

Draw porosity and log10-permeability maps:

G = cartGrid(0:Dx/Nx:Dx, 0:Dy/Ny:Dy);



PlotCellData(G, phi, 'EdgeColor','none');


axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Porosity field');


PlotCellData(G, reshape(log10(Grid.K(1,:,:,:)),N,1), 'EdgeColor','none');

axis tight equal; colorbar, title('log10(K_x) permeability field');

clear phi;

Next, add injection / production wells and their respective flow rates:

% Cell-centered injection/production flow rates

flow_rate = 100/3600;

Qw = zeros(N,1);

Qw([1 N]) = [+flow_rate -flow_rate];

Initialize the only fluid used in this model:

% fluid properties units: density (Kg/m^3), initial viscosity (Pa.s)

water = Fluid('water',[1000, 1e-3]);

Initialize fluid pressure in the computational domain to 100 bars:

P = 100e5.*ones(Nx,Ny,Nz);

Define time stepping parameters including total simulation time, T, the number of time steps, nt, and the constant time step, dt in seconds

day = 3600*24; % seconds/day

T = 5*day; % 5 days

nt = 30; % number of time steps

dt = T/nt; % time step

Setup options for the Newton-Raphson solver:

opt.tol = 1e-9;

opt.maxiter = 50;

We wil now solve a solute transport problem. A unit concentration is carried from the injection well at the lower left corner:

D = 1e-9.*ones(3,Nx,Ny,Nz); % uniform diffusion coefficient through the domain

C1 = zeros(N,1); C1(1) = 1; % unit input concentration at the injector & zero otherwise

Grid.sat = ones(Nx,Ny,Nz); % unit saturation everywhere

Go through the main diffusive-convective solute transport time loop. Advection and diffusion processes are simulated by splitting the advection and diffusive parts symmetrically as suggested by Strang to increase the concentration accuray by minimizing the time-splitting error:

tic; % start timing the time marching loop

% call TPFA flow solver for single-phase flow (we assume steady state flow here)

[~,V] = Pressure(Grid,water,Qw);

for t=1:nt

fprintf('\nSolving solute transport problem. Time = %f days\n', t*dt/day);

% call the fully implicit first-order upwind convective transport for a half time step

C_bar = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C1,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);

% solve implicitly the diffusion problem for this time step

[C_bar,~] = Diffusion(Grid,D,C_bar,dt);

% do advection step for the remaining half time step

C1 = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C_bar,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);

% note: C_bar is the intermediate concentration after the first advection step

% and the diffusive step


Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 5.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps


Elapsed time is 8.663168 seconds.

For this problem the numerical solution is obtained quickly after only few seconds. Letes examone the shape of the solute plume after 5 days of continuous injection.

Plot the final concentration plume with 11 filled contour lines corresponding to iso-concentrations from 0 to 1 with a 0.1 spacing:


% plot solute concentration for this first simulation





axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Concentration isocontours: Case 1');

Case 2: miscible flow and transport - increasing viscosity ratio

Now, we will repeat the last simultion but the flow and solute transport equations are coupled by a favorable viscosity ratio which is assumed to dependent linearly on the solute concentration following the Doles-Jones correlation:


is a correction term which depends on the nature of the solute being injected.

is the viscosity at the reference concentration .

We define this viscosity dependence on the concentration with the help of an anonymous function. In the MATLAB scripting language an anonymous function is expressed as an analytic function handle (the @) followed by declaration of the dependent variables (herein c vector) and then the analytic function expression. In this simulation we set to +10 such that the viscosity magnitude will increase at a maximum by one order of magnitude (i.e. at c=1).

visc = @(c) 1e-3*(1+10.*c);

Now, let's do a coupled miscible flow and transport simulation time stepping loop. The key difference with the previous simulation is that the flow solver is repeatedly called at the beginning of each time step with updated cell-centered viscosities in each grid cell. This task is simply performed by calling our previously defined anonymous viscosity function and setting this new array to target fluid property. Next, the solute transport algorithm is identical to that discussed in the previous case.

Concentrations for this second case will be stored in C2 array to enable comparaison with results of first simulation stored in C1 array.

C2 = zeros(N,1); C2(1) = 1;

tic; % start timing the time marching loop

for t=1:nt

fprintf('\nUpdating the flow.\n');

% viscosity recalculation

water.viscosity = visc(C2);

% call TPFA flow solver for single-phase flow

[P,V] = Pressure(Grid,water,Qw);

fprintf('\nSolving solute transport problem. Time = %f days\n', t*dt/day);

% call the fully implicit first-order upwind convective transport for a half time step

C_bar = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C2,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);

% solve implicitly the diffusion problem for this time step

[C_bar,~] = Diffusion(Grid,D,C_bar,dt);

% do advection step for the remaining half time step

C2 = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C_bar,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);


Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 7.017226e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.724073e-16.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 5.323851e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 7.239497e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.453285e-16.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 3.587041e-18.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 5.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps


Elapsed time is 8.691799 seconds.

Let's plot the new results:


% plot solute concentration





axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Concentration isocontours: Case 2');

When injecting a more viscous fluid the solute plume advancement is less restricted so as shown in the last figure the concentration fronts are more compressed and a higher concentration gradient is observed at the advancing front unlike in the first case where it is more diffusive in high permeability regions. However, since the fluid is less mobile solute diffusion is more pronounced in less permeable zones than in the first case where the fluid residence time is shorter. Thus there is less fluid mixing between waters in more and less permeable zones in the first case than in the second one.

Case 3: miscible flow and transport - decreasing viscosity ratio

Now we will consider a similar problem except that the injected fluid is less viscous. By setting to -10 viscosity is variable over one order in magnitude in the opposite direction when considering the second case.

Concentrations for this third simulation are stored in C3 array.

visc = @(c) 1e-3*(1-10.*c);

C3 = zeros(N,1); C3(1) = 1;

tic; % start timing the time marching loop

for t=1:nt

fprintf('\nUpdating the flow.\n');

% viscosity recalculation

water.viscosity = visc(C3);

% call TPFA flow solver for single-phase flow

[P,V] = Pressure(Grid,water,Qw);

fprintf('\nSolving solute transport problem. Time = %f days\n', t*dt/day);

% call the fully implicit first-order upwind convective transport for a half time step

C_bar = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C3,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);

% solve implicitly the diffusion problem for this time step

[C_bar,~] = Diffusion(Grid,D,C_bar,dt);

% do advection step for the remaining half time step

C3 = ImplicitConcentration(Grid,C_bar,V,Qw,dt/2,opt);


Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 5.852943e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 5.678964e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 4.258956e-17.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 0.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.365170e-16.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 1.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 2.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 3.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.166667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.333333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.500000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.666667 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 4.833333 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Updating the flow.
Solving solute transport problem. Time = 5.000000 days
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps


Elapsed time is 10.769796 seconds.

Let's plot the new results:


% plot solute concentration





axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Concentration isocontours: Case 3');

The most important outcome of this third simulation is that the first concentration fronts of the solute plume when injecting a less viscous fluid are spreading much rapidly. As such, solute breakthrough in the production well is expected to occur much earlier than in the previous cases.