Fines migration, hydrodynamic release, and deposition (formation damage) in a five-spot well pattern - case 1

In this demonstration example we will reproduce the two-dimensional problem for formation damage caused by massive injection of a CO2-particle mixture as discussed by Sbai and Azaroual (2011) in their example described in section 5.1. This involves pumpage of a salt aqueous brine from a 3000m deep reservoir through four square corner's wells with an equal injection rate. CO2 phase is injected from a well at the center of the domain with a total injection flow rate of 1.15 x 10^6 tons/year.

Reservoir, fluids,and particulate suspensions properties setup

Let's first specify the simple reservoir geometry which is a one layer of 500m x 500m x 5m along each space dimension. Additionally, we will explicitly store some required variables in the 'Grid' structure as reequired for next computational tasks. These are: Nx, Ny, Nz which corresponds to the number of cells along each space dismension, respectively. N: the total number of grid cells, hx, hy, hz, which are the uniform spacing along each space dimension, V: the volume of grid cells, K: the initial distribution of the permeability, compr the total compressibility factor, por: the initial distribution of the porosity.

% Domain size along X, Y & Z directions

dom = RecDomain([500,500,5]);

Dx = dom.Lx; Dy = dom.Ly; Dz = dom.Lz;

Grid.Nx = 101; Grid.Ny = 101; Grid.Nz = 1;

Nx = Grid.Nx; Ny = Grid.Ny; Nz = Grid.Nz;

Grid.hx = (Dx/Nx);

Grid.hy = (Dy/Ny);

Grid.hz = (Dz/Nz);

Grid.N = Grid.Nx*Grid.Ny*Grid.Nz;

N = Grid.N;

Grid.V = (Dx/Nx)*(Dy/Ny)*(Dz/Nz); % grid cells volumes

Grid.K = 0.85e-12.*ones(3,Nx,Ny,Nz);

Grid.compr = 4.4e-10.*ones(Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz); % compressibility

Grid.por = 0.3.*ones(Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz); % porosity

Set the injection and production flow rates at the target cells:

% Cell-centered injection/production flow rates

Total = 150/3600; % /h >> /s

Qw = zeros(N,1);

Qw([1 N]) = [-Total/4 -Total/4];

Qw(Nx) = -Total/4;

Qw(N-Nx+1) = -Total/4;

index = 5101; % index of center well cell

Qw(index) = Total;

Next, initialize the fluids properties for the saline water and carbon dioxide phases:

% fluid properties units: density (Kg/m^3), viscosity (Pa.s), residual saturation (-)

water = Fluid('saltwater', [1030, 5e-4, 0.3]); % resident fluid

co2 = Fluid('carbon dioxide', [950, 7.7e-5, 0.3]); % injected fluid

We set the initial pressure to 300 bars everywhere in the reservoir and the initial non-wetting phase (CO2) saturation to its residual value:

P = 300e5.*ones(Nx,Ny,Nz);

S = co2.Sr.*ones(N,1);

Let's add a group of endogeneous (i.e. external) non-wetting CO2 particles which will be injected with the CO2 phase meaning that the injected phase is composed from a mixture of CO2 fluid and particulate suspensions present in the gas stream as a result of the CO2 capture process which cannot be filtered for economic reasons.

Herein, we assue that salinity induced modibilization of fines is negligeable, hence by leting the colloidal mobilization rate equal to zero the process is effectively excluded as desired. So the processes which are effectively take into account during this simulation are:

pt1 = Particle(co2, ... % fluid phase in which particles flow

[2e-6, ... % Mean-size diameter => for particle population

2500, ... % Particles density

1e-9, ... % Diffusion coeff => important for small size particles

0.2e-4, ... % Critical fluid velocity

0.1, ... % Critical fluid salinity

3.8e-4, ... % Hydrodynamic release rate

0, ... % Colloidal mobilisation rate

1.2e-4, ... % Deposition rate in pore surfaces

6.2e-6, ... % Deposition rate in pore throats

0.6] ... % For civan k_phi model


Initialize different concentrations arrays for the particulate suspensions including the mobile concentration, pore surface deposited concentration, pore throats deposited concentration.

% Initialisation of concentration arrays => particle 1

pt1.C = zeros(N,1); % Initial mobile concentration

pt1.C_dep = zeros(N,1); % Initial surf. deposited conc

pt1.C_pt = zeros(N,1); % Initial throats deposited conc

pt1.C_tsf = zeros(N,1); % Initial mass tranfer <=> phases

Cs = zeros(N,1); % Initial salt concentration

Make a copy of the initial permeability and porosity fields as they will be updated by the simulator:

% Copy of initial porosity & permeability

Grid.por0 = Grid.por;

Grid.K0 = Grid.K;

Reset default options of the Newton-Raphson solver to solve the two-phase flow sub-problem. tol is the absolute tolerance for NR convergence, and maxiter is the maximum number of allowed NR iterations befor decision on divergence and local time step subdivision.

opt.tol = 1e-6;

opt.maxiter = 50;

Finally, set the total period of simulation, the number of time steps and the time step used for the sequential simulation algorithm between the two-phase flow sub-system and the particulate transport-kinetics sub-system:

day = 3600*24; % seconds/day

T = 30*day; % 30 days

nt = 30; % number of time steps

dt = T/nt; % time step

Sequential simulation loop

Now that all the required data and simulation options are set, we're ready to start the simulation of two-phase flow coupled to particle transport. The main simulation loop involved mainly four steps for each global time step:

tic; % start timing the time marching loop

for t=1:nt


fprintf('Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = %f days\n', t*dt/day);

% call TPFA flow solver adapted to two-phase flow

[P,V] = TwoPhasePressure(Grid,S,co2,water,Qw,P,dt);

% solve for brine saturation

S = ImplicitSaturation(Grid,S,co2,water,V,Qw,dt,opt);

Grid.sat = reshape(S,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz);

% particles transport solve

[m1,~] = RelativePerm(S,co2,water);

[~,V1] = TwoPhasePressure(Grid,m1.*S,co2,water,Qw);

pt1 = pt1.transport(Grid,V1,Qw,Cs,dt);

% evaluate porosity and permeability change

Grid.por0 = reshape(Grid.por0,N,1);

Grid.por = reshape(Grid.por,N,1);

Grid.por = Grid.por0 - ( (pt1.C_dep + pt1.C_pt) / pt1.density);

f = abs(ones(N,1) - pt1.alpha_fe.*pt1.C_pt); % distributed flow efficiency factor

k_ratio = EvalPermeabilityCivan(Grid.por0,Grid.por,0,f,3);

Grid.por0 = reshape(Grid.por0,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz);

Grid.por = reshape(Grid.por,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz);

k_ratio = reshape(k_ratio,1,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz);

for l=1:3

Grid.K(l,:,:,:) = Grid.K0(l,:,:,:) .* k_ratio(1,:,:,:);


k_ratio = reshape(k_ratio,N,1);


Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 1.000000 days
Converged in 7 time sub-steps and 221 Newton-Raphson iterations
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.937753e-16.
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 2.000000 days
Converged in 3 time sub-steps and 21 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 3.000000 days
Converged in 2 time sub-steps and 13 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 4.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 16 Newton-Raphson iterations
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 6.221448e-17.
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 5.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 7 Newton-Raphson iterations
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.418084e-16.
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 6.000000 days
Converged in 3 time sub-steps and 19 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 7.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 8 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 8.000000 days
Converged in 2 time sub-steps and 10 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 9.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 8 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 10.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 8 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 11.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 8 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 12.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 8 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 13.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 9 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 14.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 15 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 15.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 5 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 16.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 5 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 17.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.561460e-17.
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 18.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 19.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 20.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 21.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 22.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 23.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 24.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 4 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 25.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 26.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 7.076031e-19.
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 27.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 28.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 29.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps
Solving two-phase flow problem. Time = 30.000000 days
Converged in 1 time sub-steps and 3 Newton-Raphson iterations
Newton-Raphson iteration converged in 1 steps


Elapsed time is 1459.335985 seconds.

During each time step the output log reports the number of sub-steps and total NR iterations spent to solve the nonlinear saturation equation. Note that each NR iteration corresponds to one call to the inner sparse linear solver whose size equals the number of gid cells. For instance we use the MATLAB backslash \ operator (i.e. mldivide direct solver) which is based on UMFPACK to solve the inner linear systems. In later versions of this toolkit we plan to introduce iterative Krylov linear solvers with preconditioning which are more efficient for large scale problems.

Results visualization and analysis

One important benefit to use a scripting language for numerical simulation tasks is to break the boundaries between model pre-processing, processing, and post-processing.

In the first stage of this tutorial all needed data was prepared in the same script before going into model execution. This task could be achieved with more efficiency even for reservoirs with much complex geometry and distributed materials and fluids properties.

Now, we will show how to immediately plot the obtained results at the simulation end without going into storing all computational results into files in open or proprietary formats for post-processing by a third party visualization package. We will plot spatial distributions of the reservoir presuure, P, the carbon dioxide saturation, S, the concentrations of mobile, and pore bodies/throats deposits, and the permeability reduction factor K/K0 (where K0 is the initial reservoir permeability). Herein, we simply use the contourf command to plot filled contour lines of each variable. All subplots are arranged in a 3 x 2 matrix using the subplot command for reporting compactness and each sub-figure has its own title.


% plot fluid pressure






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Pressure (bars)');

% plot CO2 saturation






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('CO_2 saturation');

% mobile co2 particles






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('mobile particle concentration');

% deposited co2 particles on pore bodies






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('pore-body deposited concentration');

% deposited co2 particles on pore throats






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('pore-throat deposited concentration');

% plot permeability reduction factor






axis tight equal; colorbar, title('Permeability reduction factor');

The obtained results reproduce exactly those presented in Figure 6 of Sbai and Azaroual (2011) paper. Mobile particles concentration is most important in a circular zone arround the injection well where CO2 velocity fraction exceeds the prescribed critical velocity leading to hydrodynamic release of particles already deposited in this area. Pore body deposited concentration distribution shape closely follows that of the mobile concentration but with a reversed gardient which is much higher arround the injector. Pore throat deposits and the permeability reduction factor are more restricted to a small radial zone arround the injection well.